When a financially strapped young mechanic risks helping out a shifty colleague to improve his life, he soon finds he is about to lose it all – his job, partner, and unborn child - if he can't claw his way back to normalcy.
We are our choices ... the masters of our destiny. It is our choices that determine the consequences we have to live with.
A marriage of convenience could be the undoing of a volatile alliance between two ruthless and powerful families who will stop at nothing to veil their sins. A connected forensic accountant, reward-winning criminal defense attorneys, and a young boy gifted with supernatural powers may unravel the murders, the disappearances, and the trail of dirty money.
I hate myself for saying this. But, if anyone finds this recording, my family will also be exposed. And if anything happens to me, they will turn on each other!
How warm is the fireplace, how cold is my heart? Dad with my little sister, trying to assure us mum will be back soon …
‘She’s not coming back, dad.’ I’m nine years old. I know better. Dad reassures us again. He’s saying a lot of stupid stuff, it doesn’t make sense. I got angry, saying, ‘She’s not coming back, dad! I just saw her right there!’ pointing out. My little sister starts crying and dad calls for the nanny to take her to her room.
He asks me ‘How can you be so insensitive towards your sister?’ I give him a dead look in the eye, ‘She’s not coming back! I saw her right now and she told me what you did!’
Celebrity, wealth and beauty—what is it like in the glare of the spotlight but in your mother's famous shadow? Finding true love that crosses time and culture at the most unexpected moment and time. The discovery of your mother's secluded past in her diary when she is not there to explain? The discovery of a secret meant to be buried. The father you never knew to show up and reveal his past. The paparazzi ripping into the family reputation … but the show must go on!
What is it like to discover your mother’s past in her diary when she’s not there to explain secluded matters? To grow up without your dad and later discover he was in jail … It took an effort to win my trust, just to ruin it after getting involved in his old ways. He got shot during a wrong deal, and I was alone with him in the hospital when he passed away. He never was my father, but he gave me life.
I was hiding in my closet, like many times before, my hands over my ears to drown out my parents’ voices, who were screaming at each other down the hallway. Dad couldn’t support, Mom couldn’t cope, and I couldn’t escape. So the life that followed was changed from how life was before.
I could hear the family cry as I strolled downstairs. Something happened. He didn’t get home last night. Something happened.
The atmosphere was heavy with mourning. The sobs and distressed voices echoed through the house, vividly depicting their anxiety. The air was too thick to breathe, I could feel my heartbeat drumming in my ears. As I entered the living room, the scene before me told me a story of significant distress. Tear-stained cheeks and eyes greeted me, and hushed conversations paused as they noticed my presence. A heavy silence settled in the room.
Though the sorrow was dire, and the bond between his dominant family members provided each other a source of strength, I was left out, unable to feel anything. A cousin whispered to me that I became a widow overnight, but I couldn’t share the extreme sorrow they had. Instead, an enormous sense of relief filled my heart. That alone came with guilt, altogether with comfort. I was going to get away, finally!
There are three sides to this story. His side, her side … and the truth.
Behind this sugar-coated poem, concealed with murders and mysterious secrets, which severely terrified a neighborhood, that the mystery remains unsolved to this day...
'I could hear the floor cracking as he was walking towards our bedroom. I was trying to work out how I would break the window to get out of the room. There was nothing strong enough to threw at it. Everything was already broken. There was no phone to call for help. He’d already broken that too. And I knew if he got through that door, with the adrenaline rush he’d get, I wouldn’t have survived. I never wanted him dead … I just wanted to live …'
How does it feel to be sent to jail for defending your own life? To have your baby in prison, only to watch helplessly as it is taken away?
A tense short film, occurring in a courtroom, that takes you back to the events before the murder.
Why did he suffer a heart attack in court?
How much can he get away with?
A film for Cape Town, South Africa.
[with English subtitles]
Kaaitjie wou net MiesiesBessie help met haar ‘ipekonders’ – ‘It’s all in her mind,’ sê die nuwe ongetroude ingelse dokter. ‘Dis eensaamheid,’ sê Kaaitjie. ‘Kry familie om te kom kuier,’ sê Giepie. Verkeerde tydsberekening … want dit veroorsaak toe oorlog op die dorp onder
die vrouens met Kupido wie homself plaas toe nooi … en oortyd begin werk …
Kaaitjie just wanted to help Madam Bessie, who could be a tad obsessive - ‘It’s all in her mind,’ said the new single doctor. ‘It’s loneliness,’ said Kaaitjie. ‘Get family over for a visit,’ said Giepie. Wrong timing … causing a battle with every female in the village, along with Cupido who invited himself … and started to work overtime …